Photo of Give to Grow book design - front cover

Photo of How to Give to Grow training guide cover design

Photo of Give to Grow book design - table of contents spread

Photo of Give to Grow book design showing Section One: The Truth

Photo of Give to Grow book design showing a key spread with "Doing the Work vs. Winning the Work" table comparison

Photo of Give to Grow book design with Chapter 6 exercise

Photo of Give to Grow book interior design with Section 2: The Lies

Photo of Give to Grow book interior design with thought bubbles representing feelings people have about new business development

Photo of Give to Grow book interior design showing an exercise for "I'm not good at (fill in blank) YET."

Photo of Give to Grow book interior design showing endsheets with pattern of thought bubble shapes

Give to Grow

Are you an expert who is great at doing your work, yet the idea of selling your work makes you want to hide under your desk?

Give to Grow: Invest in Relationships to Build Your Business and Your Career by Mo Bunnell of Bunnell Idea Group (BIG) offers insight (and maybe a sigh of relief) for how to grow your business.

Mo addresses the five universal lies people tell themselves that get in the way of business development success, tells you how to move past your mental roadblocks, and encourages you to solve your client’s problems so you can make the positive impact you want.

Mo shows readers how a growth mindset with practices that are grounded in generosity will grow meaningful relationships and, in turn, your business. It’s an approach to new business development that feels human and enjoyable — it is a philosophy about creating possibility; not the usual sales training.

The book’s design reflects Mo’s philosophy and walk readers through his accessible and proven approach. The book development process and scope included:

  • Early reader copies (a.k.a. galleys) for concept testing and refinement.
  • Hardcover and paperback book design, including book cover, book interior, and composition.
  • A suite of bonus download content including a Team Launch Guide, top lead generation methods, 50+ go-to questions for meeting prep, posters and wallpapers to remind people of the most important mindsets, and more.
  • The How to Give to Grow training guide, print and interactive PDF versions, to support trainings based on the book’s concepts and help participants learn to elevate their relationships and grow their books of business.
  • Social media and Amazon visuals to support book launch and marketing.
  • A style guide to support the BIG team as they develop related creative such as video.

How do you create a business book that provides value for readers, helps an author build their business, and will rank as a bestseller?

Give to Grow is one of thousands of business books that will be published this year. Bard Press creates business bestsellers that stand out in a number of ways, one being that they bring design in to the process early. They want to create smart, useful, distinct books. No “me too” topics or cookie-cutter templates. Our collaboration with the publisher begins more than a year ahead of book launch to develop the book’s concept and form using an iterative process, where input from early readers informs refinement of the content and its delivery via design. This way, the book’s message is honed to be as clear and helpful as possible, the design reflects the message and voice, and the final book design and text become two sides of the same coin.

Find book excerpts and ordering info at Bard Press, and learn more in this conversation with the author, Mo Bunnell, and publisher, Todd Sattersten.

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