
Roundtable: women – business – life

We are a peer-to-peer forum for independent small business owners to share and discuss ideas, provide collective feedback and solutions, learn from each others’ experiences, and inspire and energize each other as we move our businesses (and lives) forward.

3rd Wednesday of every month
9 am–10:30am
At 2112 Chicago (usually — during covid, via Zoom)

Sign up for emails about monthly meeting topics.

Topics include things like…

Passion Projects with creative entrepreneur Chelsie Tamms

Food & Mood with wellness expert Marelda Rodrigues

Emotional Intelligence with the illuminating Melissa Thornley

Covid clench cure with physical therapist Karen Meier

Failure: The Other F Word with Florence Ann Romano

Business in a Box with Barb Morgan-Browning and Mark Hertz from One Complete Business

The Power of Decision and Knocking Out Limiting Beliefs with Debbie Rapport Pickus

Mindful Collaboration with Jackie Sloane

A work/life re/balance with Melissa Thornley

Innovation management with Jen Sanford

Magnetic Introductions with Catherine Johns

Legal issues for business owners with Linda Crohn, attorney with Shimberg & Crohn, P. C.

Step away from the screen! with Karen Meier, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Deb Acker helps us rewire our outlook on time

Let’s get social with social media sherpa Shaily Hakimian

Kyle Akerman on Google Analytics

Andrea Harney on building your personal brand with photography

Amanda Young on mastering your energy to attract more clients

The 6 Step Strategy, to get where you want to go in the most optimal way, with Angelica Chayes

Your Brand Communications Toolkit with Joy Panos Stauber and Kathleen Kearns

Well, well, well! Margaret Plouff, Mary Joyce-Cahill, and Lynn Nardelli share ideas for energizing morning routines

What’s your business story? Nora Kerr of Memoir for Me on tapping into your story and the “why” behind your business

Keeping Score of Your Business with, Irv Michaels, CPA, Creative Business Advisor, of Michaels Consulting, Ltd.

5 Simple Steps to Prioritize Your Profits. Melissa McSherry walks through 5 Profit Priority Points to get clear on your goals.

SpringTIME. Paula Diaz and Amanda Roche will help us learn to direct our most powerful tool, time, toward the lives we want to lead.

Tool time. Tools we use to streamline our business activities.

Resolve. Get some group accountability and/or mine the group for advice to help you move the needle.

Vision Boards. What you focus on grows. Tap into the Roundtable’s wisdom (and magazine archives) to create a powerful vision board for the new year.

Megan Wessels of Powerful Partners shares her strategy for how to harness LinkedIn and the power of rapport.

Deb Acker shares her perspective on how to have pure joy in your life, no matter what challenges you’re facing.

Time is a tool. Use it to build your ideal business and life, with Stacey Saunders of Saunders Consulting.

Rosemary Hurwitz on the Enneagram and how it can lead us to more centered and proactive living.

5 Simple Steps to Attract Your Ideal Clients with Amanda Young of Simplify Your Marketing.

Boundaries 101. Jamie Simkins presents how get clear on your boundaries and how to set them.

Become a B!t#h. Barbara Burgess discusses how being a b!t#h, the right kind, means harnessing your drive and power in service of feminine values like collaboration, synergy, and emotional intelligence.

Video. You know video is good for Google rankings. Now what? How do you present yourself and your brand via video? Catherine Johns and Kelly Luchtman share tips and guide us through some on-camera practice.

The Art of Persuasion. Hate the idea of “selling”? Lynne Franklin of Wordsmith talks about what you can do instead

Perfectionism: Where does it come from? Learn about The Daring Way with Mary Senn. Before attending, be sure to watch these Brené Brown videos.

Should I stay or should I grow now? with Kirsten Zoub of Dasein

Smart Women, Strong Financial Strategies with Jessica Merino of Merino Wealth

A Green New Year’s Makeover for Your Work Space with Kim Nigro Principal of Studio Nigro

Healthy you > healthy business with Dr. Leslie Smith and Sheila Petersen of Chicago Healing Center

People and hiring with Andrea Herran, principal of Focus HR Consulting

SEO with Shri Rawal of Web Screen Media

Are you Running Your Business or is IT Running You? with Bobi Siembieda of Conrad Business Results

Be The Architect Of Your Own Brand with Joy Panos Stauber and Melinda Cross from Stauber Brand Studio

The Ins and Outs of Certification for a Woman-Owned Business with Cynthia Johnson from the Women’s Business Development Center

Rock the Room with Your Introductions! with Catherine Johns

Sales with Kirsten Zoub of Dasein

Social Media with Purpose with Mana Ionescu of Lightspan Digital.

Tax planning with Steinberg Advisors

Lessons Learned: Share your cautionary tale, wild success, or any type of lesson to help us all do better in business.

… and more.